Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in August. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are />
August 11 - August 17
Instances & Raids:
- LFR: Fixed an issue where the player was not teleported to the raid after accepting the invitation.
- No longer displays the number of bosses defeated in the invitation popup (Patch 5.1.0 (2012-11-27)).
- Siege of Orgrimmar:
- Fixed quote that Norushen says after cleaning the hall.
- Fixed script for Lorewalker Cho & Taran Zhu after the Norushen defeat.
- Added and scripted Lorewalker Cho before Fallen Protectors.
- Throne of Thunder:
- Council of Elders:
- Fixed a bug due to which the effect Изменчивая судьба could be applied on pets.
Classes and spells:
- Fixed exploit with set bonus "Item - Druid T15 Feral 4P Bonus" (Item - Druid T15 Feral 4P Bonus).
Items and Objects:
- Fixed a bug due to which when using Гоблинский парашют the effect did not work if the player was in the air on a flying mount.
- Fixed item Титановая печать Даларана
- Fixed summon Гильдейский паж
- Fixed items Кошелек героя, Кошелек героя, Кошелек героя
NPC and Creatures:
- Try to fix stacking Чароброд
August 9 - August 11
Arena & Battlegrounds:
- Fixed a bug due to which it was possible to take a flag on the battlegrounds while under the Нитроускорители or Гоблинский парашют.
- Removed premade groups limit for Alterac battleground.
Classes and spells:
- Fixed a bug due to which in some cases the spell Превращение could not be applied to a hunter's pet.
August 3 - August 9
- Fixed possible reason of high diff and stucks is Siege of Orgrimmar.
Classes and spells:
- Fixed an issue, due to which Щит заклинателя with the full absorption increased spell damage by 14% instead of 15%.
- Fixed display of amount of charges Сон Кенария.
Items and Objects:
- Fixed drop Кристалл безумия