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x10 successfully updated to patch 5.4.8

PandaWoW x10 is successfully updated to support patch 5.4.8, therefore, to continue playing in this realm, do the following:

- Make a copy of the current MoP client to a new folder, because playing from 1 client on 2 versions at once is not recommended, it can be a problem because of the differences in them.
* If you do not have MoP client, then you can download it here:
- In the directory with a new client, delete the folder Cache.
- Download Launcher 5.4.8: link / mirror
- Put it in a folder with a new client and run the launcher(64 or 32 bit).
- If the list of the realms x10 did not appear, then you run the old launcher, not a new one.

If you have as the game progresses errors with addons(modifications) or 132 errors, the decision as follows:

- Need remove folders Cache, Interface, WTF, download and extract to a folder with the client.
- Repair characters in control panel.
- After download config for your locale: Spain, Germany, France, English, and replace previous dowloaded WTF/ file.
- The problem with addons should resolved, if the problem persists, do the same thing again.

If you have problems in the game with spells or other effects (broken after the update), do the following:

- Repair characters in control panel.
- If that does not work, then change the spec of the character, reset talents, and make logout, try a few times.