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Moving to a new Data Center

In recent months, have some problems in the current data center, like the server was unavailable few hours, and now there is a problem with the routes, because of this, many players periodically experiencing problems with access to the servers and the control panel.
That's why we decided to move to a new, more stable data center (hope so), today and tomorrow all project resources PandaWoW will be moved to the new data center, in this connection may be interruptions in the work site or the servers within tomorrow (19.11.14).

Today from 10:30 to 12:00(GMT +3) already has been moved web resources (site and forum), tomorrow will be move all game servers, login server and control panel, this takes about 6 hours and will start at 09:00(GMT +3).
I advise follow this topic: for see status of work.

For know your ping to the new data center, run the command (the command line) ping, can be compared with the current ping in the game.