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Changelog #15 for 5.4.8 on 2016-08-16

Changelog for the last 2 months: 2016-06-15 to 2016-08-16. Status: applied for all realms. Changelog: General: Fixed determination of specialisation for many items.Fixes to the bonus loot for all specialisations.Fixed bug with attack speed by conversion it into +\-inf.Fixed scaling of armour by level.Fixed work of quest addons that check... 了解更多

Changelog #14 on 5.4.8 from 14.06.16

Below you can see the changelog, which were made on 5.4.8 for two last months, from 14.04.16 to 14.06.16: Status: applied for all realms. General: - Fixed an issue where players could not see the scripted dialogues of NPC. - Fixed possible incorrect movements of mobs. - Fixed an increase of pet's speed movement when its owner uses the mount... 了解更多

Changelog #13 on 5.4.8 from 13.04.16

Below you can see the changelog, which have been made on 5.4.8 for two last months, from 19.02.16 to 13.04.16: Status: applied for all realms. General: - Have been added NPCs, by which the players can refuse green fire abilities for 500 gold, or learn the fire again (but only if you have completed the questline). - Fixed the issue of achievement... 了解更多

Changelog #12 on 5.4.8 from 18.02.16

Below you can see the changelog, which have been made on 5.4.8 for last month, from 19.01.16 to 18.02.16: Status: applied for all realms. General: - Fixed a bug when bonuses of character or a guild didn't affect on bonus to the reputation for execution of daily quests. - Final part of optimization of the core, server delay had been reduced... 了解更多

Changelog #11 on 5.4.8 from 18.01.16

Below you can see the changelog, which have been made for one months, from 24.12.15 to 18.01.16: Status: applied for all realms. Cross server: - Implemented synchronization of reputations, achievements and honorable kills by packets not by database requests. It should solve problems with data saving after leaving cross server. - Implemented... 了解更多

New Year promotions

Administration of PandaWoW server congratulates all players Happy New Year and Marry Christmas and wishes everyone a good mood, success and fun holiday weekend! And on that occasion in the period from 21.12.15 to 11.01.16 (included) launched the following promotions in control panel: - All prices for the items, services (except currency) have... 了解更多

Changelog #10 on 5.4.8 from 23.12.15

Below you can see the changelog, which have been made for 1.5 months, from 05.11.15 to 23.12.15: Status: applied for all realms. Cross server: - Forbidden launching of trade on BG. - Fixed bug where using various spells players could get to locations outside the arena-BG on the cross server. - Implemented saving changes of talents and glyphs... 了解更多

Changelog #9 from 04.11.15

Below you can see a changelog, which was made for 2 months, from 08.09.15 to 04.11.15: Status: applied on all realms. Cross server: - Fixed bug where honor and reputation rates was x1 for all realms, now it work correctly for each realm. - Implemented BG announce on each realm. - Fixed bug where after joining a BG group players received mails... 了解更多

Autumn discounts and promotions #2

In the period from 15.10.15 to 22.10.15 (include), in control panel:, launched the following discounts and promotions: - Prices for the items (except VIP, gold, currencies and level increasing) reduced by 20%. - With a donation in any possible way, you will receive additional 20% bonuses (for example, if you donate for 100... 了解更多

Merging x10 and x100 realms

After implementing cross system and according to actual online on realms, we've decided to merge x10 and x100 realms, this should give positive effect for players and the whole project. Works will start on 15/9/15 at 10:00 GMT+3 and they will last about 6 hours, we will can tell more accurate time just after start of the works. Important information... 了解更多