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Update x100 and Fun to 5.4.8

2 weeks after update x10 to 5.4.8, we are ready to update and the remaining realms. Update x100 and Fun to 5.4.8 happens 09.23.14, starting from 09:00 GMT +4, worlds are turned off to install the update again and will be launched at about 16:00, but more precise information I will inform you on the day you install the update. About update: ... 了解更多

Changelog #1 on 5.4.8 from 09.20.14

With the first update to 5.4.8 after the release, we continue to work with WoWCircle, because still have some problems with game mechanics, which alone is enough to solve the long and hard, up to the 2nd update, we are continuing to development together, which is obtained mutually beneficial. Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.8... 了解更多

x10 successfully updated to patch 5.4.8

PandaWoW x10 is successfully updated to support patch 5.4.8, therefore, to continue playing in this realm, do the following: - Make a copy of the current MoP client to a new folder, because playing from 1 client on 2 versions at once is not recommended, it can be a problem because of the differences in them. * If you do not have MoP client, then... 了解更多

Update realms to version 5.4.8

After almost half a year of development, we are ready to set a date for the release of patch 5.4.8 on the main realms, but more on that below. Preface: First I would like to summarize periods of CBT and OBT was corrected more than 500 bug reports on all aspects of the game, most of them were composed by our players, for which a special thank... 了解更多

Open beta test 5.4.8

The last 3 months we are working with the project wowcircle tightly engaged in the development of the core under the client version 5.4.8, for players it may not seem so difficult, because now we support 5.4.2, and 5.4.8 in comparison with changes not so much, but it not. Each new client build, changed numbers and the structure of all opcodes, it... 了解更多

Discounts in control panel, amnesty for accounts

In the period from 07.16.14 to 30.07.14 (inclusive) in control panel launched the following discounts: - When you refill account via any available method, bonuses will come to 20% more, regardless of the amount of payment (for replenishment through Robokassa paymentwall or action is added to the previously designated bonuses... 了解更多

Changelog #11 on 5.4.2 from 13.06.14

Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.2 for one month, from 11.05.14 to 13.06.14: General: - Fixed bug, when player can use mount before 20 lvl. - Fixed 1 reason of server crash. Dungeons and Raids: - Implemented new world boss (loot + AI), respawn time old world bosses(sha, galeon) now 6... 了解更多

Changelog #10 on 5.4.2 from 10.05.14

Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.2 for two week, from 25.04.14 to 10.05.14: General: - Fixed appearance of coordinates after changing factions. - Fixed game event Noblegarden. - Fix 1 reason of server crash. Dungeons and Raids: - Implemented new raids: * Terrace of Endless Spring, available all the difficulties, but... 了解更多

Changelog #9 on 5.4.2 from 24.04.14

Below you can see a changelog, which was made on 5.4.2 for two week, from 13.04.14 to 24.04.14: General: - Fxi bug, when items not send to players from Black Market. - Fix bug, with stack flasks, scrills, elixirs. - Fixed a bug with the controlled spells. - Fixed a bug where old content trinkets/rings give too big stats. - Fixed display and... 了解更多

PandaWoW - Happy Birthday!

Dear players, we want to congratulate all of you on our common holiday, our project is 1 year old today! Today, exactly one year ago we opened our first realm x100 and we started to develop. During this year we have come a long way from the budding project to an already well-established project with great name, project administration wants to thank... 了解更多